mobile money kaetech digital

MTN Ghana says Be vigilant as you deal with mobile money transactions.

During these hard times, a lot of bad people will try to use internet tricks, smartphone tricks and other ways to deceive and dupe people. A lot of people will fall victim for these tricks.

It is of these reasons why MTN is sending a message of caution to their Momo users to warn and advice them not to fall victim for these tricks.

MTN Ghana has increased the momo transactions’ limit for its users during this COVID-19 period. This is to allow people to transfer and receive money from their loved ones durings this hard times as the world fight against this deadly Coronavirus.

MTN sends a message of caution to its mobile money users not to entertain any calls or messages about their momo account. Thay are not suppose to share their mobile money pin to anyone. They also said if you are in doubt please call 100 to verify. In their message, you can report any fraudulent act to [email protected] or you can call 1515. The message from MTN Ghana is bellow.

mobile money

Follow the link below to learn how to transfer money using mtn mobile money.

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