This article gives out the top 5 businesses that can easily be done online no matter where you are in the world. All these businesses late to digital marketing. Because I believe to be working online means you have some kind of knowledge about digital marketing.
A YouTuber is someone who create video contents on YouTube to either entertain, inform or educate his or her subscribers or other viewers on YouTube. That person use all his/her quality time to prepare video content to be uploaded on YouTube.

The videos could be funny videos, videos to educate people on a specific topic, exhibiting of skills, and many more. Making YouTube videos is a business because it generates income for you and that business can employ a whole lots of people.
Example of a YouTuber is Wode Maya. He is a famous YouTuber from Ghana who travels around Africa to make videos to show to the world about Africa.
Social Media Marketing
Another business among the top 5 businesses you can do online is social media marketing. Social media marketing is an aspect of digital marketing whereby you use the social media platforms to market products and services for your self or for other businesses. This is one of the businesses that is trending around the world nowadays.

Setting up a social media marketing agency doesn’t require any money. All you need is your smartphone or your computer and internet. Talk to small, medium or big businesses around your area and assure them that you can bring them customers by advertising their products for them on social media. There are a lot of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Pinterest, LinkedIn and many more. I suggest you start with Facebook because it is very easy to start using Facebook ad manager.
Online teaching
If you have a skill and a teaching skill you can start teaching online through the various online teaching platforms. There are a lot of online courses websites that you can enroll in as a teacher to start teaching over there. Examples are Coursera, Udemy, edx, Future Learn, Code academy, Udacity, and many more.
Blogging comes from the word blog which is also the short form of weblog. A blog is an online journal where a writer or writers share informative ideas on a related subject matter. It is mostly informational website.
If you are well knowledgeable in a niche or a subject area then this is the time to become a blogger. Starting a blog doesn’t require any skills. All you need is your knowledge and how well you can express yourself in a subject matter. You can start with your own personalized website like this one or you can start blogging using free tools. Example of such free website which allows you to create your own blog are WordPress, Blogger, Wix, AwardSpace, NameCheap, Freehosing, Bravenet and many more.
Graphic Designing/Website designing
Graphic designing or website designing is a big business now in the online business. It is one one the to 5 businesses you can do online from anywhere around the world.

Designing logos, flyers, banners, websites, business or call cards, book covers, and many more are always things people and businesses seek all the time. You can register at Fiverr and over your services to the million of people who comes there everyday to seek for designers.