microsoft word shortcut keys

Microsoft Word is one of the most popularly used feature of the Microsoft Office suite. It will amaze you the number off shortcut keys that are available to help you work your way out in Microsoft office with ease.

Here are some of the Microsoft Word shortcut Keys that you should know to help you work with ease.

55 Microsoft Word Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl+O:  Open a document
  2. Ctrl+W:  Close a document
  3. Ctrl+N:  Create a new document
  4. Ctrl+S:  Save a document
  5. F12:  Open the Save As dialog box
  6. Ctrl+X: Cut the selected content to the Clipboard
  7. Ctrl+C: Copy the selected content to the Clipboard
  8. Ctrl+V: Paste the contents of the Clipboard
  9. Ctrl+A: Select all document
  10. Ctrl+B: Apply Bold formatting to a text
  11. Ctrl+I: Apply Italic formatting to a text
  12. Ctrl+U: Underline a text
  13. Ctrl+[: Decrease the font size by 1 point
  14. Ctrl+]: Increase the font size by 1 point
  15. Ctrl+E: Center the text
  16. Ctrl+Alt+O:  Outline View
  17. Ctrl+Z:  Undo an action
  18. Ctrl+L: Align the text to the left
  19. Ctrl+R: Align the text to the right
  20. Esc: Cancel a command
  21. Ctrl+Y:  Redo an action
  22. Alt+Ctrl+S: Split a window or remove the split view
  23. Ctrl+Alt+V: Print Layout View
  24. Ctrl+Alt+N: Draft View
  25. Ctrl+F2:  Print Preview View
  26. F1:  Open the Help pane
  27. F9:  Refresh the field codes in the current selection
  28. Ctrl+F: Search a document
  29. F7: Run spelling and grammar check
  30. Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S: Remove the document window split
  31. Alt+W, Q, then tab in Zoom dialog box to the value you want: Adjust the zoom magnification
  32. Ctrl+Left or Right arrow key: Move between command groupings on the ribbon
  33. Alt+Down arrow key: Open the menu for the selected button
  34. Ctrl+F1: Expand or collapse the ribbon
  35. Ctrl+Left arrow key: Move the cursor one word to the left in a document
  36. Ctrl+Right arrow key: Move the cursor one word to the right in a document
  37. Ctrl+Up arrow key: Move the cursor up by one paragraph
  38. Ctrl+Down arrow key: Move the cursor down by one paragraph
  39. Home: Move the cursor to the beginning the current line
  40. End: Move the cursor to the end of the current line
  41. Ctrl+Alt+Page up: Move the cursor to the top of the screen
  42. Ctrl+Alt+Page down: Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen
  43. Ctrl+Page down: Move the cursor to the top of the next page
  44. Ctrl+Page up: Move the cursor to the top of the previous page
  45. Ctrl+P: Print the document
  46. Ctrl+Alt+I: Switch to print preview
  47. Shift+Arrow keys: Select text
  48. Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow key: Select the word to the left
  49. Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow key: Select the word to the right
  50. Ctrl+Shift+Home: Select from the current position to the beginning of the document
  51. Ctrl+Shift+End: Select from the current position to the end of the document
  52. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Page down: Select from the current position to the bottom of the window
  53. Ctrl+Backspace: Delete one word to the left
  54. Ctrl+Delete: Delete one word to the right
  55. Ctrl+0 (zero): Add or remove space before the paragraph

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