social media and firm performance - kaetech digital

Apps are very necessary when you have a smartphone, but having the right apps sometimes is a problem. If you are wondering how to get the right apps for your smartphone that will ease your stress and helps you generate income, then continue reading. This post is about the 5 apps that should be on your smart phone to make your life lively. Remember I said must have, meaning it is important to have those apps. These apps were selected based on usability, simplicity and its importance to the vast population that use them.

Now the following are the 5 apps that should be on your smart phone this year and beyond.

1. Facebook

Yes, Facebook is the first must have app that should be on your smartphone. Why? Simple, because everyone nowadays is on Facebook. so if you are not on Facebook then I don’t know what you are waiting for. Facebook is not just an app but it is a community that connects families, friends, business and customers and so on. Lets look at the features of Facebook.

  • Stay up to date with your loved ones with Facebook app. You can share what’s on your mind and express yourself through your profile and post.
  • Connect with people who share your interests with groups. You can join groups of your interest or create groups and invite people who share your interest to join your group.
  • Discover events happening in your community and become involved with your community.
  • With Facebook Watch you can watch videos and all contents from shows and other trending videos.
  • Buy and sell with Facebook Marketplace.

2. Instagram

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Number two on my list is Instagram, another amazing app owned by Facebook. Unlike Facebook, Instagram connect people together through photos and videos. Share what you are up to or see what’s new from others all over the world.

Some features of Instagram are as follows:

  • Post photos or videos to your feed
  • Add photos or videos to your story that disappear after 24 hours
  • Message friends in Direct
  • IGTV
  • Instagram Explore
  • Discover brands and small businesses, and shop products that are relevant to your personal style.

3. Twitter

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Another amazing app that should be on your smart phone is the Twitter app. This is also a social networking app that really deals with trends in the world. Now if you wanna know what is trending around the world then you need to have Twitter on your smartphone. some features are Tweet, retweet, Reply to Tweets, Share or Like a Tweet, know what’s Trending Now and Live Streaming events.

4. WhatsApp

WhatsApp Messenger is a free messaging app that uses your phone’s internet too let you send messages and make calls to your friends and families everywhere in the world. No fee charge, you can send multimedia messages (videos, photos, documents and voice messages). You can also make free calls and have group chats. It is very quick to connect with your contacts and you can also share your location, exchange contacts, set custom wallpapers and notification sounds. WhatsApp also have a feature which allow you to broadcast message to a large group of people.

5. WeChat

The last but not the least app that should be on your smartphone is WeChat. Now I know some will say why WeChat, but let me tell you WeChat is a super app. The things WeChat can do most of the other apps above cannot do. WeChat is not just an app, it is also used as a payment app. For my friends in China will understand what I am saying. WeChat makes is possible for you to chat with friends and families and also send money or even gift money to them. some of the features are as follows:

  • Message friends and families using text, photo, voice, video, sharing location and more
  • Voice and Video Calling
  • Real-time location. Now if you are not good in explaining directions to your friends, you can just send them your real-time location and they will meet you where you are.
  • Moments: share your favorite moments with friends and families.
  • Mini programs: Now WeChat acts like a browser which holds countless apps and website within WeChat so you never have to leave WeChat.
  • Official Accounts to follow for original contents
  • Games
  • WeChat Pay: use this function to send and receive money from friends and families and also pay and accept payment for goods and services.
  • WeRun: WeChat also care about your health so Werun helps you to know the number of steps you have for the day and compare it with your friends.

Bonus but Important App I wanna share with you is The Bible App

This is for the believers who wanna replenish their faith by reading the Bible everyday.

With more than 180 million devices around the world , people are reading , listening to , watching and sharing the Bible It is the number 1 rated Bible App-completely free Over 1,000 Bible versions , in hundreds of languages . Hundreds of reading plans , in over 40 languages .

You can add your own verse Images , highlights , bookmarks , and public or private notes. Customise your reading experience . The Bible App lets you explore the Bible with your closest friends. Share honest conversations about Scripture with a community of people you know and trust . You can learn along with them as you see what they are discovering

To conclude, Apps are very important in this our technological world but how you use the apps that you download affects your daily lives. Take advantage of these apps and use them wisely. Make money or gain something important from these apps but not just for fun. Let the fun usage of these apps leads you to generate sales to you or your business. All these social media platforms affects individuals one way or the other. For businesses I recommend you read social media and firm performance.

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