How to delete WordPress

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) used nowadays by most web designers and businesses to create beautiful business and e-commerce websites.

Deleting WordPress means you are deleting your website. Note that you need to have access to the Cpanel of your hosting service. If you do not have access to your Cpanel contact your hosting provider or the web developer who developed your website.

To delete WordPress, follow the following steps:

  1. log in to your Cpanel of your hosting
  2. Scroll down to where you will find “softaculous Apps Installer”and click on WordPress
  3. Scroll down to the section where all your installed WordPress are located “Current Installations”.
  4. Click on the “delete or remove” icon to the right of your domain name to remove or delete your WordPress Installation on your domain.
  5. Note that this action is irreversible. If you still want to proceed that click on okay to remove WordPress.

That’s it! WordPress is deleted.

Watch the video below and follow step by step procedure to delete WordPress.

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